Join the Advance Review Crew!

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Every author needs readers, and I would love to share my work with you. However, I'm sure you already know the rules: I will gladly give you a book for free. I would be grateful if you reviewed it and recommended it to your friends. Every author needs readers, and online reviews are essential for connecting with new readers.

You choose if, when, and where to publish. You decide what to say. I hope that you love what you read, but more than that, I hope you'll review honestly.

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Always Review the Fine Print

Once you fill in the form, you'll receive a confirmation e-mail. The message will contain a link to a short survey. It's not invasive, I promise. I need a few basic bits of information (for example, whether you need an .epub or a .mobi file) before I can send your book. I also would like to know where you plan to publish your review.

I reserve the right to change or cancel this promotion. Signing up for the newsletter does not automatically sign you up for the Review Crew! If you have not completed the questionnaire, you will not receive a free book. You do not have to be a book blogger to receive a free book, but if you are a book blogger, please be sure to fill in your URL on the form!